Evolution Of Food

Evolution Of Food

Story by: Vanessa Ho

Photos by: Sameera Begum & Vanessa Ho

 Curry Maggi Mee + Milo Powder

Curry Maggi Mee and Milo powder are the basic food items in every Singaporean household. Have you ever wondered how these household favourites would taste combined? Do not be fooled by its unappetising appearance! The Milo powder actually helps to thicken the soup base, making it creamier. Many have stated the similarity of this dish to the Japanese Curry. It adds a touch of sweetness to the soup combined with the original piquant taste of the Curry Maggi Mee that can be enjoyed even by non-spicy food lovers.

Bacon-wrapped Banana

The sweetness from the bananas helps to reduce the saltiness of the bacon strips that some people shy away from. Nevertheless, the stark contrast of texture has garnered mixed reactions as some find the odd combination to be too strange and would prefer to eat them separately. On the contrary, others find this combination to work as the vast difference in the individual tastes of bacon and banana harmonises well.  

Coca-Cola Chicken Wings

Many said that this combination has a comparable taste to the honey wings. It is a classic and timeless home-style dish in China. The addition of Coca Cola caramelises and tenderises the chicken wings. This dish is simple to prepare and does not require additional seasoning or ingredients. With only a few ingredients and basic culinary skills needed, everyone would be able to enjoy this sweetly seasoned dish.

Ice-Cream + Soy Sauce

 Ice-Cream. An enjoyable and fun treat for people of all ages. Soy Sauce. An essential seasoning used in many Asian dishes. Put together, a touch of soy sauce in a full scoop of ice-cream, is another prime example of contrasting effects of flavours. The soy sauce served a purpose of maximising the richness of the ice-cream’s flavour. However, this sparked off almost completely negative reviews. The strong seasoned taste from the soy sauce does not rest well with many as they find the saltiness too overpowering. Hence, the sweet ice-cream taste was lost causing this combination to be a fail.

Watch this video to see how people reacted to bizarre food combinations.

Music: Cheerful Times by Royalty Free Music

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