Zero to Hero

Zero to Hero

Heroes can also be ordinary people, who take that leap of faith to do something out of the norm. Jessica Loh tells us more. 

Story: D. Renumathie
Photo Courtesy of Jessica Loh

23-year-old Jessica Loh (better known as her online alias Shiberty) may seem like she has it all. Starting her customised cake business from her blog (3 years ago), she now runs a physical shop, Shiberty Bakes, a culmination of the growth of her business.

Her journey with food, from experimenting in the kitchen to making it her bread and butter, is all chronicled on her blog Shiberty. This journey started 6 years ago.

“(I started baking) out of pure interest for something that looked really cool. Back then, 6 years ago, it wasn’t something mainstream - customized desserts was actually something very few people in Singapore did.”

This success can be attributed partly to her social media following and particularly her blog. Something that started out as a hobby then turned into a part profession, when she started being an influencer and also using her blog as a platform for her online customised desserts business.

That has now inspired her to foray into the highly risky Food & Beverage industry. For Jessica, the risk is worth it because of her love for delicious, Instagram-worthy desserts. “I love aesthetically pleasing food but want it to taste as it good as it looks, that’s why I decided to start Shiberty Bakes to share this passion and joy with other people!”

But of course, this journey doesn’t come without difficulties. “I haven’t had an easy life at all. Ever since I was a child, many challenges and struggles have been tossed my way. Family problems, not doing too well in school, depression problems for awhile, plus my parents initially disapproved of what I was doing."

But in the face of adversity, Jessica’s optimistic nature has shone through. “I believe that adversity comes with an opportunity for immense growth. I would like my life to be ever-progressing and I enjoy overcoming these obstacles. You learn and grow through times like these,” she says.

Jessica shares her advice for other aspiring entrepreneurs out there. “Too young and too risky aren’t excuses. They’re legit reasons. If you think you’re too young, there’s no harm waiting out a couple more years. Give yourself time to learn, grow, and become more stable.”

She adds: “Risk will always be there, but certain calculated risks are up to you to decide whether they’re worth taking.”

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