Editor's Note

In my daily rush for time, I’ve a habit of taking away a drink but only taking a few sips before throwing the disposable cup away while also wasting the drink… without much thought.

Caught up in this fast-paced world, I often find myself mindlessly chasing my goals, unaware of how my actions have consequences and are interlinked to my surroundings.

In this modern society, we easily forget how we are interconnected as we are conditioned to see ourselves through a fragmented lens — as separate and distinct individuals. However, society is still inescapably intertwined.

While the advancement of technology has made the world better connected than ever before, the CATCH team delves beyond these surface-level connections as we explore deeper elements that keep us universally intertwined.

In CATCH’s 41st Edition, we attempt to embody interconnectedness by recognising the connections in all life, learning to relate and connect with others while remaining a unique individual.

Feel the Synergy between two dancers who, despite their contrasting dance styles, formed a unique friendship and an undeniable chemistry through their passion for dance.

Share an Affinity with our cover feature, Singaporean artist Vanessa Liem, as she creates a world for others to connect with through her Surrealism paintings.

Life works in mysterious ways as fate brings out the most unexpected Relations. Just like how Hannah Ayala found herself in an inseparable sisterhood which all started with one letter received from across the globe.

Caught in the Synthesis of past actions and events, we witness how a teenager learns to accept the reality of being in a broken family while trying to keep a connection with her father despite his increasing absence.

The CATCH team hopes that this issue will give you a new perspective of the world and develop a more empathetic conscience towards being interconnected, while also finding deeper connections as an appreciation towards being intertwined.


Soh En Xuan

Chief Editor

Her Surreal World