Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole

Are bunny keychains products of animal cruelty? We asked some youths their takes on this issue

Written by: Low Wei Qin

I would not buy these keychains, if they are made from real animal fur. If these businesses harmed the animals, they should be stopped. People, like myself, who adopt pets, treat them like our own family. Much like any family, we should never abuse them. Animal abuse or cruelty are inhumane acts. Though I do not know of any solutions to prevent animal cruelty, I think that pet owners should always do regular checkups on their pets to make sure that there are no injuries or damage caused by humans that are not accidental. 
— Danish, 20
I know that some of these (bunny keychains) are actually made of real animal fur. I feel that animal cruelty is disgusting as a whole and I would not want to support products that are obtained or made through animal cruelty. It is really inhumane of people to do such things. For example, the Yulin dog meat festival in China, that makes me really sad. Animals have feelings too and I think that we, as humans, should not be selfish and inconsiderate of our actions for pleasure. 
— Anna, 20
I would have bought the keychains as gifts for my friends or family members as they look cute and fluffy. However, after knowing that some are made of real fur, I would not purchase them as I do not want to support animal cruelty. I think that there is a market for everything but by making these objects through acts of animal cruelty is wrong. People will do it either way as it earns them money through such businesses. I feel that we should have regulations by setting some rules to prevent the suffering of animals. 
— Elron, 19
Personally, I would not buy them unless I need to buy a gift for someone. For myself, I am uncomfortable about buying it, if it is made of real fur. That’s also if I could not tell if it is synthetic. I would not condemn such businesses as some people need it to earn money for a living. Adding on, I do not see the point of making these keychains with real fur as they are small as compared to bigger scale products with value. It is morally wrong to kill animals but it is also a moral dilemma towards the caring of our own personal rights or others. 
— Serena, 19
I have seen these keychains before but I would not buy them as they are quite big in size and very inconvenient to bring around. However, I did not know that some of them are made of real fur. We should not encourage the selling of these products unless they’re made of fake fur. I think animal cruelty has toned down as compared to the past as there are many campaigns done to spread awareness about animal cruelty. It would be good to continue spreading awareness locally to prevent more people from buying them.
— Shi Tieng, 20
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