Debunking Space Conspiracies

Debunking Space Conspiracies

We take a look at some of the most well-known conspiracy theories about space, the universe and even aliens!

Story & Illustrations by: Jovianne Tan

Flat Earth

How can Earth be round if the ground we walk on is flat? The ‘Flat Earth’ theory is one of the most popular theories around, it even has a society named after it for people who strongly believe in this theory! 

However, scientific research and satellite images from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has proven that the Earth is round. The reason why the Earth feels flat to us is as humans are far too small in comparison to the diameter of the Earth to feel its curvature. 


Roswell UFO Crash

On 7th July 1947, what was suspected to be an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) had crashed in the fields of Foster Ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. The following day, the local newspaper published the breaking news, identifying the UFO to be a ‘flying saucer’. Witnesses that saw the remains of the crash claim they had never seen such advanced materials and technology before, and that there were even alien bodies recovered from the UFO. 

The United States Army Air Field (USAAF) then released a follow-up statement stating it was a new weather balloon they were testing under Project Mogul that crashed. These statements were later refuted by officials from the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) who swore whatever crashed was definitely not a weather balloon.


Alien Research in Area 51

Area 51 is a top-secret United States military facility set up in 1955 and is currently used as an open training range for the US Air Force. There have been reported sightings of UFOs above or near the area, and the common belief is that the facility is used to conduct research on the alien spacecraft and its pilots from the Roswell UFO crash. Back in 2019, some netizens even planned to raid Area 51 in hopes of getting a glimpse of extraterrestrials. 

Nevertheless, the US government has refuted these claims, stating that the ‘spacecraft’ that crashed was actually a weather balloon and that Area 51 is just a facility for training the American armed forces. Nevertheless, Area 51 still remains a popular debate topic till this day.

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