CATCH Tries: Going Zero Waste for 24 Hours

Zero Waste has been an ‘ongoing movement’ in recent years, so let’s see if going Zero Waste poses a challenge to CATCH!

Story & Photos by Amandy Tan

Zero Waste - the ‘IN’ term for all things sustainable and environmentally friendly these days.

Adapted from ZeroWasteSG, Zero Waste is a concept that challenges the old way of thinking about waste as something that has no value and is meant to be thrown away. 

It is a daily occurrence for us to generate waste, and yet, we are not aware of the amount we contribute each day. Actions like using a cotton pad to remove our makeup or using a piece of tissue after consuming our meals. Even so, how is Zero Waste being advocated into our lifestyle?

I went on a 24 hours Zero Waste challenge to see if I can make smarter decisions. 

The Challenge Begins...

Starting off the day, I didn't grab any breakfast as I was rushing off to school.

Lunchtime soon came around and I opted for Subway. The paper packaging for their food, although not recyclable, is less harmful to the environment. I was left with the food wrapper and the napkin they provided. 

Most days, I bring my water bottle as it helps me to curb my cravings for sugary drinks. I usually takeaway meals when I’m in school as my team and I always eat near our block. In the long run, it is not beneficial for the environment as my takeaways consist of plastic containers, styrofoam boxes, disposable cutleries and plastic bags. 

After school ended, I discarded the disposable mask I was wearing upon reaching home and quickly settled down for dinner. My family always cooks a lot of food for dinner so there may be leftovers sometimes.  

After showering, I applied skincare products using cotton pads. At the end of the day, I collected all my trash in a small container.

In the end, it may not seem like a lot of waste was generated. However, we are not aware of the accumulation of waste over the years. In order to improve, one has to be more mindful of the waste they are producing and look for environmentally-friendly alternatives. 

Without a doubt, it has been a familiar topic among Singaporeans as they are becoming more conscious and are doing their part to reduce waste. 

Without a doubt, it has been a familiar topic among Singaporeans as they are becoming more conscious and are doing their part to reduce waste. However, it is not easy to lead a Zero Waste lifestyle in Singapore. 

With more Zero Waste shops popping up in Singapore, it is becoming more accessible to us but are we willing to change our habits?

Reflection Time

I may be new to the Zero Waste lifestyle, but along the way, I have learnt of sustainable alternatives that I can do to live more sustainably. 

Making little changes to our lifestyle can not only benefit the environment but also improve our habits.

Tips for you to go Zero Waste: 

  1. Bring your own water bottle

    • Having your own water bottle can serve as a reminder to drink water and reduce the use of bottled drinks.

  2. Go for snacks with minimal packaging

    • When you’re feeling peckish, go for snacks with lesser packaging such as nuts and dried fruits. 

  3. Bring your own ‘takeaway’ boxes

    • Having your own reusable lunch boxes can reduce the number of plastic containers and styrofoam boxes that would be thrown away. (Bonus: bring your own reusable cutleries!)  

  4. Bring your own bag

    • When you’re out shopping, bring your own recyclable bag to carry your items.

    • If you require plastic bags to hold your items, do reuse them for other purposes such as containing your recyclables. 

Check out our Zero Waste Challenge here!

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