Daycares Gives Back

Putting her soul into music and heart into volunteering, Saints Amongst Sinners’ vocalist and keytarist, Dayang Nuraiza, shares about helping others through her non-profit organisation.

Story by Aida Yasmin | Photos by Daycares

Dayang Nuraiza, Director of Daycares

“I started Daycares during (the) circuit breaker after I heard the news about a fire opposite my house. This lady, she lost all her things to the fire (and) she’s a single mom.”

Daycares is a non-profit organisation started by Dayang Nuraiza (Day), 23, which aims to fight for the needy, low-income families, and orphaned children in Singapore. Their vision: ‘Creating the ripple effect of kindness by using your heart, mind, and voice.’

Seeing her brother’s involvement in charity projects also sparked her interest in volunteering as she now follows in his footsteps.

For the past six months, Daycares has assisted migrant workers, fed 145 families, and collaborated with other organisations such as The Food Bank Singapore, Food For The Homeless, and Jamiyah Children’s Home.

The Saints Amongst Sinners members were also featured on Daycares’ Instagram account @daycares_sg, going door-to-door on food ration runs along with Day.

“I’ve always believed in the greater good of others. When Day started this (organisation), it just made sense to help Daycares wherever I could. I think it’s just giving what you can, wherever you can,” says Mateen, 23, when asked what inspired them to start volunteering.

It has definitely not been an easy feat.

Volunteering opens up opportunities to meet many people with all kinds of backgrounds and perspectives of life. However, it can get disheartening to see many people out there who are in need of help and at times, these acts might not be enough.

“Seeing the hardships that people go through, it really opens your eyes to the different realities that the people are living in,” says Mateen.

“I think the hardest part is understanding that you cannot help everyone,” Day adds.

As a non-profit organisation, Daycares relies on donations from the public and collaborations with sponsors to provide for their beneficiaries.

With the uncertainty of the pandemic and the drive to continue the organisation’s cause, Day found other ways to raise funds for charity by creating a zine.

The ‘We Are…’ zine was published in September this year, featuring insights into the lives of other local musicians that have made an impact in the music scene. 100 percent of its proceeds go straight to purchasing daily necessities for Jamiyah Children’s Home.

Daycares hopes to open up their own Social Service Centre for at-risk youths in Singapore and provide a safe space for the elderly, children going through abuse, families facing financial issues, and more who can benefit from Daycares’ services.

Indeed Saints Amongst Sinners

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