Fashion Never Dies

Fashion is a form of self-expression, which people use as an outlet for individualism. Regardless of how unique you think your sense of style is, it is bound to have drawn inspiration from the past!

Written by Shawn Chen

Spanish philosopher George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is mostly true, as a very good way to prevent mistakes is to learn from those that people have made in the past. When it comes to fashion however, I beg to differ. 

If your friend asks you, “What is the current fashion trend?”, what would you reply? I’m sure many of you would say baggy pants, oversized clothes, or maybe even corsets. What if I told you these pieces of clothing were in trend ages ago, and most, if not all of our fashion trends today were taken from the past?

Here are 5 pieces of clothing from the past which are in trend today!

Baggy Pants

The baggy pants trend was first introduced back in the 1990s when people would intentionally wear pants that were so big, they would be able to fit both their legs into one side of their pants.

This trend was made mainstream by Hip Hop culture, where looser pants were more comfortable and easier to dance in.


The corsets brought back from the 1830s, when corsets were first introduced. Initially, it was mainly used to contour and slim one’s waist, but now, people will occasionally wear them as a statement piece.

Sweater Vests

Sweater vests, as the name suggests, were first invented literally for sweating. After its resurgence that came with the rise of the ‘preppy’ look, many people are donning vests to achieve the smart-casual look. 

It was utilised as a tool for weight loss due to its effectiveness in inducing perspiration.

After its resurgence that came with the rise of the ‘preppy’ look, many people are donning vests to achieve the smart-casual look 

Graphic Shirts

Its first appearance was during the late 1930s, However, it was only in the 1950s that Marlon Brando popularised it by wearing them in the film ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, and the rest is history. 

Tsuno Bags

Initially, the bags were plastered with various kinds of fabric and textures. These days, tsuno bags are mostly made with a single fabric in one colour, which are worn by many to achieve a minimalist look.

Regardless of what’s trending, it is important to remember that fashion is a form of self-expression. Instead of worrying about whether what you’re wearing is in trend or not, you should feel empowered to embrace your individualism and character through your outfits!

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