Written In The Cards

Written In The Cards

With the growing popularity of tarot cards, we wonder if people are truly starting to believe in fortune-telling and mysticism. CATCH speaks with a tarot card reader (and self-proclaimed real-life witch!) Nara, to find out more.

Written By: Natalie Teo | Photos By: Natalie Teo, Vivien Wee

The Beginning of Her Journey

Narayanee Singaram, 30, is a well-known tarot card reader; a self-professed real-life witch; and the founder of the e-commerce shop My Grandmama’s Secret. 

She was enraptured with the world of tarot card reading and mysticism ever since she was young. 

When she was 12, she bought her first book of witchcraft titled Moon Magic. Shortly after, Nara bought tarot decks and dabbled in them. That marked her start in witchcraft, as she modernised old practices to make sense of the new.

Rosina Maria Arquati, Nara’s late godmother and a healer who treated ailments believed to have been caused by witchcraft, was the reason why Nara founded My Grandmama’s Secret. Rosina was a caring telepathic animal communicator before her death.

Rosina passed down her crystals and practices to Nara, entrusting her to carry on her legacy. 

Nara credits Rosina as her biggest inspiration. “To me, she is still around, guiding me,” said Nara.

The Magic of Tarots

Nara uses all sorts of tarot decks, ranging from fairy decks to oracle cards, to channel messages from otherworldly entities. “I am very sensitive to spirits, so I can channel messages from them.”

“People can learn something, especially in their ‘shadow state’,” she mused. The “shadow state” is the state people are in when they are feeling down, empty, or as if all hope is lost.

“I usually see where they are at that moment, and build on ways to help them cope,” Nara explained. “I validate the thoughts in their mind and give solutions and guidance.”

After the readings are done, Nara customises mojo bags filled with crystals, dried petals, seashells, and healing herbs that are encouraged to be carried around by the owner to bring good luck and protection.

Many of her customers take her readings seriously, and she has many returning clients. Some of her customers even gift her with crystals, an item that she enjoys collecting.

A Continuous Journey

She helps her customers with the gifts she has been blessed with, and she also learns to cope with her own problems from listening to their stories.

“I am always on an awakening journey,” she said. “Everyone has a story to tell. To me, it’s the best part of working as a tarot reader.”

However, it was not always smooth-sailing for her. She had to deal with hate comments from people on the street and on social media.

Despite the hate, she keeps going. “I want to help people with my gifts,” said Nara. 

Her long-term goal is to help both people and animals alike. “If you have enough, build a longer table instead of buying meals,” encourages Nara. “That is the quote I live by while I embark on this journey.”

Editor's Note

Editor's Note

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