Editor's Note

Too often, we allow our busy lives to preoccupy us. It keeps us trapped in a personal bubble preventing us from slowing down and seeing how fulfilling and amazing the world around us is.

In this 45th edition of CATCH, our team wanted to look beyond ourselves, to see the bigger picture. That’s how we came up with the idea of The Limitless Horizon.

Join us in our journey to uncover the limitless possibilities, opportunities and potential the world has to offer.

Venture into our Heaven On Earth to find out how the simplest things often overlooked can bring you joy. For instance, read how travelling on buses can ignite such happiness in Loh Caden.

Continue towards the horizon to read about stories that are Crossing Lines — going beyond something ordinary to push limits. Read about The Social Space and New World’s End, places trying to become something more than what is deemed ordinary.

We then reach The Unfamiliar Sky, where we challenge you to think past surface level and explore beyond what’s common. Have you ever wondered about what goes behind a funeral? Read about Wei Kang to know what it’s like being part of the funeral business.

Life is a multi-layered experience, and every layer is worth exploring. Happiness can be found in infinite forms. There will always be a way to push for greater heights, and there are so many hidden yet necessary stories out there.

The 45th CATCH team has witnessed the beauty of the boundless world we live in through the making of this magazine, and we hope this publication inspires you to do the same.



The Last Goodbye